  • 員工人數 15
  • 地點 address
  • 資本額 5,000,000
  • 員工人數 15
  • 地點 address
  • 資本額 5,000,000

FiO is the gateway to a complete range of API channels leading to web3.

There are many ideas regarding the utility of blockchain technology in our world today and beyond. At its core, blockchain is a bridge--a robust connection--to other technologies. Therefore, blockchain technology must be used in conjunction with other technologies to maximize its value.

Although crypto is one of the primary applications of blockchain used today, blockchain’s technical capabilities can be applied to a broad range of applications. Blockchain has the potential to be practical- a tool not just for the tech savvy, but for everyone.

FiO is here to enable a simple way to utilize blockchain and maximize its full potential. We offer our clients a technical framework they are already familiar with to simply connect to FiO and start using to accomplish their goals.

Start your blockchain journey with FiO. Welcome to web3.


FiO 的投資者包含富比士旗下投資公司及以色列國家主權基金。我們的區塊鏈技術多次取得成就,包含協助台灣對抗新冠疫情、識別假新聞等,去年更被選為阿里雲的服務供應商;另外,公司在新加坡、香港、中國、美國都有設立辦公室,因此每年有不定期出差的機會。
FiO 能幫助任何企業在他們原有平台的基礎上,客製化專屬的區塊鏈服務,且沒有任何程式語言基礎的使用者均能輕鬆使用 FiO 的區塊鏈產品。


-so many Software application 各種高科技軟體應用,將會學習到非常多東西!

-Weekly Sharing Time 每週團隊分享時間,好玩有趣的主題了解你的同事

-non make-up workday 彈性放假不補班,時而連假提早放假好幸福

-Special FiO Holiday 每年不定時 FiO 特殊假日

-Quarterly have a dinner party 季度大型活動 / 聚餐

-Flexible Work Time & Remote Work 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作

-Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會 (產業技術、品味生活課程等)

-Fun, Creative & International 雙語工作環境,國際化的團隊成員

-Monthly Free Lunch & Drink 每月團隊午餐吃好料與萬惡的手搖杯

-PicCafe 零食吧、巧克力與咖啡隨時補充能量

